Horton, Josie Arnold
Birth Name | Horton, Josie Arnold 1 |
Gender | male |
Birth | 1893-02-25 at Montague, Texas 2 |
Death | 1968-05-14 at Montague, Texas 3 |
Father | Horton, Charles William (Birth) | |
Mother | Watts, Alice Elizabeth (Birth) | |
Siblings |
Horton, Henry Thomas Horton, Odah Blanche Horton, Arthur Leroy Angeline(Edith)Horton, Amy Horton, Leonard Horton, Chester |
Married | Wife | Jones, Oda Lee |
Source References
1. | WorkTHESTE Confidence: Normal Text: Date of Import: 8 Jul 2001 |
2. | WorkTHESTE Confidence: Normal Text: Date of Import: 8 Jul 2001 |
3. | WorkTHESTE Confidence: Normal Text: Date of Import: 8 Jul 2001 |